Scientific Literature

According To The Science, What Is Spermidine?

According To The Science, What Is Spermidine?

Title: The positive effect of spermidine in older adults suffering from dementia

Authors: Thomas Pekar, Katharina Bruckner, Susanne Pauschenwein-Frantsich, Anna Gschaider, Martina Oppliger, Julia Willesberger, Petra Ungersbäck, Aribert Wendzel, Alexandra Kremer, Walter Flak, Felix Wantke, Reinhart Jarisch

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Title: The effect of spermidine on memory performance in older adults at risk for dementia: A randomized controlled trial

Authors: Miranka Wirth, Gloria Benson, Claudia Schwarz, Theresa Ko€be, Ulrike Grittner, Dietmar Schmitz, Stephan J. Sigrist, Jens Bohlken, Slaven Stekovic, Frank Madeo, and Agnes Flo€el

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Title: Cardioprotection and lifespan extension by the natural polyamine spermidine

Authors: Tobias Eisenberg, Mahmoud Abdellatif, Sabrina Schroeder, UwePrimessnig, Slaven Stekovic, Tobias Pendl, Alexandra Harger, JuliaSchipke, Andreas Zimmermann, Albrecht Schmidt, Mingming Tong, ChristophRuckenstuhl, Christopher Dammbrueck, Angelina S. Gross, Viktoria Herbst,Christoph Magnes, Gert Trausinger, Sophie Narath9, Andreas Meinitzer, ZehanHu, Alexander Kirsch, Kathrin Eller, Didac-Carmona Gutierrez, SabrinaBüttner, Federico Pietrocola, Oskar Knittelfelder, EmilieSchrepfer, Patrick Rockenfeller, Corinna Simonini, Alexandros Rahn,Marion Horsch, Kristin Moreth, Johannes Beckers, Helmut Fuchs,Valerie Gailus-Durner, Frauke Neff, Dirk Janik, Birgit Rathkolb,Jan Rozman, Martin Hrabe de Angelis, Tarek Moustafa1, GuenterHaemmerle, Manuel Mayr, Peter Willeit, Marion von Frieling-Salewsky,Burkert Pieske, Luca Scorrano, Thomas Pieber, Raimund Pechlaner,Johann Willeit, Stephan J. Sigrist, Wolfgang A. Linke, Christian Mühlfeld,Junichi Sadoshima, Joern Dengjel, Stefan Kiechl, Guido Kroemer, Simon Sedej, and Frank Madeo

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As a nutrition researcher, I've always been fascinated by the extraordinary ability of fasting to extend lifespan and activate our body's natural ability to heal itself. But while the health benefits of fasting are remarkable, it can be a hard lifestyle to maintain long term and its not safe for many people.

That's why I dedicated my research career to unraveling the mysteries of fasting and finding a way to activate those same benefits on demand. After all, it's our biology, why shouldn't it be under our control?

Mimio is the fulfillment of that scientific dream and I couldn't be prouder to share it with you or more excited for what's to come.

To your health!

Dr. Chris Rhodes

University of California, Davis
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Nutritional Biochemistry

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